This program, which consists of 1 personal mentoring meeting per month and ongoing support activities, in addition to reducing dropouts, helps children to be able to set goals for themselves, choose the right career path for them, and develop a healthy lifestyle for themselves.
Please join the work of our foundation as a sponsor or donor! We can already support us from USD 5,000 per year. We can offer the following options to our sponsors:
Logo appearance on the foundation’s website and on social media interfaces
Free participation and, if required, the expulsion of supporters at the foundation's events
The right to use the foundation's logo as a sponsor on its own surfaces without restriction
Get involved in the mentoring program based on active volunteering - be the Surprise guest, the hero of everyday who the children meet during the last mentoring session of the semester! Inspire them with your own success story that they will take with them throughout their lives as a good example to follow!